Monday, October 31, 2011

Aion amor

so every one knows 
that i started making amor 
after finding out how i dont want to spend 300$ on a  costume 
and how much fun it is to just make your own.

i worked relly hard for months making my first ever cosplay
the Lvl 50 scout amor for Aion.
it was a speshailty amor set you got in the 20010 new yers hunt thing

i cant say it was perfect beuces to be honest there was alot i could have
done difront are better but i bealve that 
every thing you do is somthing to learn frome 
i have to give a heads up to my suporters and 
the people who keep me going beuces there were pleanty of times
i just wanted to quite. 

Now those people are 
Yuki Godbless & NattharYukigod
Svetlana Quindt
Now they all 3 were supper helpfull sevtlana has her own how to blog 
and you should relly cheek it out she has maid some of the most amazing 
things i have ever seen and if you are relly into wanting to make 
your own sets with working lights cheek out her blog its linked below 
Yuki & Natthar have there own blog as well and have  won numbers of 
contest and done numbers of skits they are both so talnted and amazing 
there blog also linked below.. 

Now back to my self. 
i took the amor out on a test run in the Kumoricon 2011 cosplay contest unforantly to say
i didnt win anything although i was told i should have. again i didnt go into it exspecting 
to win anything altho the costume it self got major props. and alot of people like it 
i had lots of photos taken and want to thank every one who suported me in this first run
i hope to see more of you all 
at sakurcaon 2012 

below are some after photos of what it all looked like 


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