Friday, November 4, 2011

Akali blood moon Mask

Leag Of Legions 
Akali Blood moon Mask Tutorial


i kinda feel head over in love with this skin 
as every one knows i have been playing Leag of Legons also now as LOL.
with my boyfriend for the last few months now i haven't played Akali yet
but she defiantly got a tast now i loved her mask and i thou it be 
a perfect tutorial for craft fome mask. 

now befor we start this i just want to tell you what you will need 
white craft fome a black felt pen are permant marker. 
red and black acrylic paint. i use Acrylic paint beuces it wont crack
are difrome when you heat the fome to shape it. 
the fome likes to soke it up so you mite have to paint a layer are too befor you get your
collor right but its perfect for craft fome. 
you will also need just any kinda of cheep plastick mask and bealve it are not 
the meshurments of your head. beuces you want it to fit. when u were it.
now paint brushes bealve it are not i didnt use a paint brush you can but there is  alot of shapr line
detail in the mask i used an eye brow brush liner. it kinda has a dingale point to it. and 
makes the perfict sharp lines.for the bigger part of the paint i just use a regluer sizes 7ven arties brush
you will aslo need some streched wire. are string a hole punch & sissors.
you are gunna need hot glue and a messeigneurs stick 

your first step is to take your mask. 
and plaec it flat on a peace of craft fome.
you will take your felt pen and  trace the shape of the mask so that you get this perfict ovel shape
if you feel confedent unaf you can just drow a ovel on the fome 
somthing like the photo below 

 Now my example i all ready started to paint some of the detail.
you dont want to cut anything yet you just want to paint it and set it aside to dry.
i drow the lines befor i paint them so im not blinde painting and mess up.
so why its drying you can start working on the horns this is were your rule comes in handie
you want to pretty much use your rule and make perfeckt tryangle. 
now rember that you want to make it a little bigger i forgot to add this
beuces when you heat the fome to shape it the fome will shrink.

after you have painted and goten your mesherments
you willl cut out the triang and rap it in a round shape to make the horns hot glue and paint. :D

once that is done and your mask is dry you are going to want to cut the shape out
and if you have a heat gun use it if not your stove top works great just put the heat to hiy 
and run it over the burner a few times untail it start to get flimsey it wont take long 
and you wont have but a few seconds to places the fome on your mask you bought 
and start shaping the eyes and the mouth into palces once it start to cool you will 
see it forme ot the mask you are then going to glue the mask
punch too holes into the side and slide your string threw the holes and you have your mask :D 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Aion amor

so every one knows 
that i started making amor 
after finding out how i dont want to spend 300$ on a  costume 
and how much fun it is to just make your own.

i worked relly hard for months making my first ever cosplay
the Lvl 50 scout amor for Aion.
it was a speshailty amor set you got in the 20010 new yers hunt thing

i cant say it was perfect beuces to be honest there was alot i could have
done difront are better but i bealve that 
every thing you do is somthing to learn frome 
i have to give a heads up to my suporters and 
the people who keep me going beuces there were pleanty of times
i just wanted to quite. 

Now those people are 
Yuki Godbless & NattharYukigod
Svetlana Quindt
Now they all 3 were supper helpfull sevtlana has her own how to blog 
and you should relly cheek it out she has maid some of the most amazing 
things i have ever seen and if you are relly into wanting to make 
your own sets with working lights cheek out her blog its linked below 
Yuki & Natthar have there own blog as well and have  won numbers of 
contest and done numbers of skits they are both so talnted and amazing 
there blog also linked below.. 

Now back to my self. 
i took the amor out on a test run in the Kumoricon 2011 cosplay contest unforantly to say
i didnt win anything although i was told i should have. again i didnt go into it exspecting 
to win anything altho the costume it self got major props. and alot of people like it 
i had lots of photos taken and want to thank every one who suported me in this first run
i hope to see more of you all 
at sakurcaon 2012 

below are some after photos of what it all looked like 

Craft fome Amor

so i started making craf fome amor for my 
aion amor set i cant say it was supper essay 
to do because it rely depons on how much time and detail you have to put into it.
but i thought id give a step bye step 
on how i am doing my ash armor frome Leag of Legends. 

Now correct me if i am wrong but some things you will need are
heat gun & are stove top
at least 4-5 napkins. if not a paper bag will work too
craft fome which you can get at any craft store and i lernd that the dollar tree now has it in really long sheets.
you will need an industrial glue. are hot glue gun works great too 
sowing macheen because there are parts of this you will have to sow
and any kind of fabric pain are  deco paint will work don't use finger pain are house paint
beuces it will crack and chip the craft fome wont hold it. 
if you are confdent unaf you can also use spray paint 

so on to the works..

we will be starting with the arm peaces so ill add photos and so forth so you can 
see what im talking about as well.

you will take your napkin are paper bag and lay it flat 
u want to pretty much musure it to your for arm. 
and drow out a u shape at the top were your wrist is this will be the top part to were you will need to cut 
on the craft fom once you have done that you will cut the lines out on your paper bag are napkin like the 
photo below .

you will want your pattren to kinda look like this rember that ash arm peaces
kinda pops out at the top and its rounded this is how you will get that affect
onces you feel confdent with your pattren you will take your craft fome 
and match it t your pattren making sure you cut it out nice and neet 
always have backup sheets incase one dosnet work out. 
i always give my self a good few inches to cut so i can smoth out and make sure 
it fits relly good. 

once you have cut your fome and you feel good about it
this is a little trickey to do on your own you mite need
help of a brother are sister are friend 
you are Going to take scotch are masking tape 
beuces it dosent stick to the fome and teer it but it keeps its hold for how you need it
you will take your fome and with the inside part on the bass of your wrist 
you are going to size it so you can essley take it on and off 
you will have two little flaps that stick out but thats okay we will cut them off latter 
the round part will rest just befor your elbow it will kinda look like this 

Now if you have seen ash her arm peaces relly have alot of detail
rember we are using nothing but craft fome for all that detail
you will have to have some good are desent drowing skills 
you can aslo use photo shop and print them out i guess 
at the wrist there is a V shape to do that i just cut out a triangle 
and untape it all and taped the it into places you do not 
want to glue anything right now  you can now cut the little flaps off too 

Now for the fun part you will put it back to geather
using the tape and add all your detail no painting are glueing yet you will
atch it all with the tape it will work i promise

once you are done you can now hotglue 
all the peaces to geather do not glue the arm peaes
you will want to use velcrow you can buy it in strips 
are if you cant do that you can use a string are ribbon 
and cute small holes to tiye it to geather 
works the same 
then you can paint in all your details if you want to 
make it pop out more i use the glue gell paints.
to make it a little more 3d ish..

and that is how to make an arm peaces
you can add all your own details so forth i love to see what 
you guys come up with. 
so email me your after shots at